Wherever You Are Is Just Where You're at, Not Where You'll Always Be

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Calificado en Estados Unidos el 19 de noviembre de 2014

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Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Wherever You Go, There You Are is about mindfulness. According to the author, "Mindfulness means paying attention [to the world] in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." That sentence seems a little obscure, and whenever I've attempted to explain mindfulness or meditation to friends, it's as though I can never make myself clear and they still walk away thinking it's all hokum. In spite of my inability to make it totally clear by definition, maybe I could illustrate it using some examples that Kabat-Zinn would probably approve of.

Take any given moment your in. I take it that you're sitting down somewhere right now reading this review. Focus on your breath. Notice how unaware of your own breathing you were before. Now, while reading this, expand the focus from your breath to the sensation of your body, your bottom against your seat perhaps, or the way the tip of your nose might feel cold or hot. Further expand the field of awareness to the sounds around you. Maybe you hear noise from other people. Maybe you hear nothing except the sound of your own breathing.

Project this mode of being aware into another setting. Perhaps you're at work, and someone is telling you how to do something. You might feel seeds of resentment growing inside you, asking the question in your mind how it is this person has the gall to tell you how do so something. You might feel personally attacked, a little nervous, your breath unsteady. Be aware of these sensations. Don't fight against them. But also listen to what the person says, as much as possible, without judgment. Is what this person is saying really a personal attack? Probably not. And if it is, does it really matter? Does he or she have control of your mind such that he could actually make you feel one way or another? Not if you choose to respond to it in a peaceful, proactive way and just take it for what it is, without judgment.

Maybe the above two paragraphs don't do it for you. Or maybe they do. The important thing is that mindfulness is about being aware and awake, and about choosing to make peace with the way you feel and the way you interact with the world. If you want to, you can always feel swept around by the winds of desire, or pulled around by anger or intense emotion as though there were a brass ring in your nose. Those are always options. But it's also another option to choose to practice inner tranquility. This is what this book is about.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 30 de septiembre de 2017

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This book is fantastic. I wish everyone would read it. The chapters are short and you can just pick it up and read a chapter from the middle if you need a little something, and you'll have a fresh, happy brain. Or read it cover to cover and then read it again.

I also got the audiobook and have been listening -- but I need a printed copy to refer back to. I am so glad I bought this. My friends are buying it, too!

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 17 de octubre de 2014

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I was looking for a refresher on mindfulness and a text to help guide me deeper into the practice. I can say this book delivered on both fronts. The chapters tend to be short and easy to read. Much of it comes across like listening to a talk from a great professor that leaves the technical details for the reading assignments. Using that as a metaphor, "Wherever you go, there you are" is the warm lecture from a caring teacher. "Full Catastrophe Living" (his more scientific and serious book) is the full corpus of research and exercises and concepts underlying the teacher's lecture.

Much like in college, you can skip the lecture if you master the corpus, but it's best to do both if you can. That said, anyone looking to really understand the methodology behind mindfulness and how it can be applied in a secular way to the suffering of the human condition, must read the aforementioned "Full Catastrophe Living". It's absolutely essential as the single book I would recommend to anyone for learning how to approach working with the present moment in ways that encourage insight and healing.

This book "Wherever you go , there you are" is nice but it won't provide the depth of instruction for practice as used in the medical setting or the science behind the mechanisms that make mindfulness so effective for many people.

Calificado en Estados Unidos el 25 de julio de 2016

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At some point in your life, you may begin to wonder, "Will things always be this way?" - so rushed, with barely a moment to call your own, and current events that swirl around you often reflecting the worst side of humanity. So lost in to-do lists that you barely know where they stop and you start. Or have you thought, "Will I always be this way?" - maybe anxious or irritated, perhaps distracted, or beginning to feel isolated from those around you - even from your loved ones? This book explains that living each moment fully (and what that phrase means) can bring you back to yourself, and to a peaceful yet connected stillness that ultimately enriches your life. It describes the discipline and detached self observation (i.e., meditation) required to achieve it. I found this book to best read in small sections, and I plan to re-read many times. In retrospect, I would buy next in paper form (not Kindle). It is filled with insightful and (if you let it) life-changing information.

Opiniones más destacadas de otros países

4.0 de 5 estrellas Love the meditations, too much 'family' talk.

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 4 de septiembre de 2019

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I love this book very much. It has been remarkable for me.
I heard a meditation from it and it was my favourite, so i bought the book.
It is the truth. It helps you get in touch with yourself.
However, like so many others of this genre, the author keeps bringing his 'wife' and 'children' and 'family life' into the text, which is totally inappropriate in a self-help book; many many people dont have a wife/ husband/ children/ family life, and dont want to have those old-fashioned, limiting ways of living shoved in their faces when they're trying to learn about mindfulness. It is annoying and distracting, and hence it dropped stars.
Be objective if you're going to write a book - i didnt want an autobiography. It's egotistical and at times the author's ego is definately there.
The meditations however, are so wonderful. The book's worth it for them definately.

1.0 de 5 estrellas Very difficult to digest if you are anxious.

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 19 de octubre de 2020

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I am really missing something with this book. There was a couple of helpful sentences, one being from the Dali Lama. I found the rest extremely vague, wishy washy and difficult to digest. It was recommended to me by friends so it is clearly of value to some people and just a case of individual differences. I'm logical and science minded. I found Matt Haig, Clare Weeks and Dare useful.

3.0 de 5 estrellas Some useful tips

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 19 de octubre de 2017

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A beginner wishing to meditate and create more mindfulness into my existence. Loving the first two chapters I avidly read in, however found the middle of the book over complicated and way too wordy, I found myself mindlessly drifting! I will return to chapters and revisit highlighted points of interest however had I thumbed through this on a bookshelf I may not have purchased and moved on to something else, which
unfortunately is the downside to electronic purchases. Expensive and waffle

5.0 de 5 estrellas Lovely meditation supportive reading

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 9 de enero de 2021

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When it arrived I was so looking forward to starting this book, but it also looks very pretty so I ended up doing it for a secret Santa for a work colleague (with a small Buddha, some crystals and an eye pillow) and bought myself another one. I teach mindfulness and meditation so I am also looking forward to it enhancing my teachings as well as my practise

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5.0 de 5 estrellas Lovely meditation supportive reading
Calificado en el Reino Unido el 9 de enero de 2021

When it arrived I was so looking forward to starting this book, but it also looks very pretty so I ended up doing it for a secret Santa for a work colleague (with a small Buddha, some crystals and an eye pillow) and bought myself another one. I teach mindfulness and meditation so I am also looking forward to it enhancing my teachings as well as my practise

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5.0 de 5 estrellas This is a brilliant book. It really gets across the spirit and ...

Calificado en el Reino Unido el 13 de abril de 2016

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This is a brilliant book. It really gets across the spirit and essence of mindfulness. If you're currently exploring mindfulness and want to find out more, then this book gives you more than just "sit for 10 minutes focusing on the breath". If you need some evidence of the authors wisdom, watch some of his lectures on youtube.

Wherever You Are Is Just Where You're at, Not Where You'll Always Be

Source: https://www.amazon.com/Wherever-You-There-Are-Mindfulness/dp/1401307787

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